Race Review SEER Saddleback Xtreme 2021
What’s your name? Alex Aebersold How old are you? 20 Where are you from? Floyds knobs, indiana When did you get into the sport of hard enduro and when did you ride a dirt bike for the first time? I rode my first dirt bike when i was 10 and my first hard enduro was […]read article

Race Review SEER Saddleback Xtreme 2021
What’s your name? Zack Zumvorde How old are you? 27 years old Where are you from? Cincinnati, Ohio When did you get into the sport of hard enduro and when did you ride a dirt bike for the first time? My experiences with hard enduro began when I started riding at Saddleback with a new […]read article

Race Review: Battle Of The Goats 2021
What’s your name? Tim Sizemore How old are you? 35 Where are you from? Cincinnati, Ohio When did you get into the sport of hard enduro and when did you ride a dirt bike for the first time? About 2 years ago. I got my first dirt bike (Honda 50) at 5 years old. What […]read article

Race Review: Capricorn X-Treme Race
Round Three Australian Hard Enduro Championship Run & Won! The Capricorn X-Treme located in Mount Morgan Qld tested the best of the best and drew consensus from the Pro class that it was hardest event they have ever raced. “ %$#@ me, that’s the hardest race I have ever done “ Rob Nowak: Gold Class […]read article

Race Review: Ditrocks Hard Enduro 2021
Pictures in this review is sponsored by and copyright of Sebastian Popescu (www.sebapopescu.com) Preword If there’s something you’re bad at, then you need to practice it and Ditrocks made it clear that I need to train more in creeks. And guess what the trackmanagers of Ditrocks loved for us to ride? Yup. You guessed it. […]read article