Disclaimer: The below info is relative to the 2021 event.
Terrain Description: Mud and slippery rocks – Forests, rivers – Rocks – Mountains like Romaniacs.
Racetrack Format:
Day 1. Cross country prolog 1,5 hour (Hare Scramble format)
Day 2. 6 hour race in short lap 13-15 km (but very difficult terrain). PRO class 2 laps, Expert 3 laps, Амаtor 2 hours on cross country track. (Hare Scramble Format)
Day 3. Long track 100-120 km 6-10 hour. (Romaniacs Style Format)
Every day the rider gets a point according to his place: 1 st place – 1 point
The winner is the one who has the least points in 3 days.
Categories: 3 categories: PRO (Hard), Expert (Medium), Light (Amateur)
Average Daily Riding Time:
Racetrack markings: We used tape and spray in addition
GPS Mandatory: We use special program on mobile phone, gps device can be used in addition.
Entry Fee: 60-100 Euro (depends on the time of registration)
Championship-Race: Yes, 4th stage of Hard Enduro Series of Ukraine (HESU)
Race History: First edition was in 2020
Normal/Expected Attendance: 150 – 200 riders.
Nearest Civilisation: Skole
Nearest International Airport: Lviv International Airport – 100 km from race location
Rental Motorcycles: Not yet, but we are working on it
Race License: No license, only insurance police recommended
Motorcycle Conditions: No need for registration, insurance etc. Track is closed.
Typical Weather: About 22-24 degree, little bit rainy.
Sightseeing: The region has a very developed tourist infrastructure, many hotels with a spa, many excursions to historical places.