Disclaimer: The below info was supplied directly by the organisers relative to the 2021 event.
Terrain Description: The terrain is a combination of rocks, rivers and mountain.
Racetrack Format: For the 2021 edition, it will be 3 days. 1 day of qualifying and 2 days of actual racing. 3 categories: gold, silver, bronze. The winner of each category will be the rider with a combined best score from the 2 days of racing. Top-5 will be rewarded each day. Until now, it’s been one track for all (Sea2Sky style) and the goal is to make it a multi-day event with tracks for each category.
Categories: 4 categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze and an open category for those that just want to enjoy a little bit of the race.
Average Daily Riding Time: The race is designed to last around 3-5 hours.
Racetrack markings: The tracks are marked with spray, signs and sometimes we even have people out there helping indicate the route.
GPS Mandatory: The usage of GPS is not mandatory and it’s rarely used in the country, but for this last edition it was optional and it is really useful for riders who do not know the area too well.
Entry Fee: It’s not 100 % confirmed yet but it will not be more than US100$.
Championship-Race: Yes, round 1 of the Costa Rica Hard Enduro Championship.
Race History: The first race was held in 2016 and it’s been 4 races so far in total.
Normal/Expected Attendance: The average is 100 riders.
Nearest Civilisation: Acosta, Gravillas de Acosta.
Nearest International Airport: Juan Santa María – 2,5 hours from Acosta.
Rental Motorcycles: Yes.
Race License: Anyone can participate – no license is needed.
Motorcycle Conditions: The motorcycles must be registered with basic personal insurance.
Typical Weather: Costa Rica is a tropical country with a general warm climate. December is the end of the winter, everything is green and a perfect climate for this sport.
Sightseeing: The country is pure magic for tourism – the natural beauty that we have with the beaches, volcanoes and the amount of nature that the country has. Also, it is a safe place and the ticos (Costa Rican people) will welcome you with open arms and try to make you feel at home. For families, the race lends itself because while the riders are doing the route, the family can enjoy the rivers in the area and many sections of the race take place near the town, which makes it possible for the family/friend to support their rider during the race.