Terrain Description: coniferous forest,terrain is mostly rocky, but there may be areas of mud, depending on the weather, rivers with stones, climbs with stones and roots
Racetrack Format: 3 days, 1st day prolog Super Enduro style, day 2 and 3 of race 70-80km/day of Hard Enduro
Categories: 5 classes: PROFI, EXPERT, VETERANS, HOBBY, GIRLS
Average Daily Riding Time: between 2 and 5 hours, depending on the class and skills
Racetrack markings: The race track is completely marked with marking tape and directional signs
GPS Mandatory: NO, but is recomanded
Entry Fee: 200 euros and it will be possible to pay only in cash at the Contest Secretariat
Championship-Race: Stage 5 of the Romanian National Hard Enduro Championship
Race History: Ditrocks Hard Enduro debuted in 2018 and became one of the most anticipated races of the year, being seen as a training for the stage of the World Hard Enduro Championship, the great REDBULL ROMANIACS, which starts in a week.
Normal/Expected Attendance: approximately 120 competitors in all 5 classes
Nearest Civilisation: City of Ditrau and Gherogheni
Nearest International Airport:
Avram Iancu International airport Cluj-Napoca 187 km
International airport Sibiu 216 km
Rental Motorcycles: https://enduro-nuts.ro/race-participation/
Race License: Hard Enduro DITROCKS is an OPEN type competition
1. Romanian competitors should have a valid hard-enduro FRM (Romanian Motorcycling Federation) license
2. Foreign competitors should have a valid international enduro license issued by FIM/FIM-Europe (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme) or a valid national enduro license issued by their home national motorcycling federation, both accompanied by the written start permission issued by their home national motorcycling federation (the document called Rider Start Permission)
Motorcycle Requirements: Any enduro or motocross bikes are allowed to start, two/four strokes, with one or two cylinders, which have been accepted at the technical inspection.
Typical Weather: The temperatures during this period are between 22-27 degrees Celsius. During this period it can rain.
Disclaimer: Always do your own research if planning on attending this race, as the info we provided could be wrong or out-dated