Disclaimer: The below info is relative to the 2021 event.
Terrain Description: Beach forest with rocks
Racetrack Format: 2 days – prologue +30 km/90 km
Categories: 5 categories: A, B, C, Veteran and Turist.
Average Daily Riding Time: Approximately 3 hours pr. day.
Racetrack markings: Marking tape.
GPS Mandatory: Not required.
Entry Fee: 70 Euro.
Championship-Race: Serbian Championship.
Race History: 2021 will be the 6th race in a row and every year, more and more people are interested.
Normal/Expected Attendance: 100 – 150 riders.
Nearest Civilisation: Banja Koviljaca (2km) and Loznica are the two closest towns 5km).
Nearest International Airport: Belgrade, Serbia (140km) and Tuzla, Bosnia (70km).
Rental Motorcycles: no.
Race License: Not required.
Motorcycle Requirements: Everything goes.
Typical Weather: 18 – 22 degrees.
Sightseeing: Banja Koviljaca is a tourist town with a nice river and Gucevo mountain.