Disclaimer: The below info is relative to the 2021 event.
Terrain Description: Depending on the location of the race, it could be jungle, rocky, streams, muddy….
Racetrack Format: No prologue. Riders line up and mass start at the same time. A and B class start separately. Usually about 30 minutes apart. It’s a one day race with check points throughout the course. At each check point the racer pulls a paper tag with a specific number or marking. At the end of the race they must present all the checks to prove they completed the course.
Categories: 2 categories: A or B. The A class is longer and more difficult.
Average Daily Riding Time: The fastest rider usually takes around 4 hours depending on the conditions.
Racetrack markings: Yes the course is flagged. Usually the A class follows pink ribbons and the B class follows blue.
GPS Mandatory: No GPS required. The trail is flagged. The flags are on the right hand side.
Championship-Race: No.
Race History: This annual race dates back to 1954. Next year will be the 67th annual race.
Normal/Expected Attendance: Usually around 150 riders.
Nearest Civilisation: The race rotates around the various riding areas of Kauai.
Nearest International Airport: LIH = Lihue
Rental Motorcycles: There aren’t any rental options at the moment.
Motorcycle Conditions: No registrations required. It’s all off-road.
Typical Weather: It’s warm.
Sightseeing: Yes, it’s Hawaii. It’s a great opportunity for a family/wife vacation/race.