Disclaimer: The below info is relative to the 2021 event.
Terrain Description: Jungle Terrain, Mud & Slippery Rocks, High Mountains (No Trees), Forest & Small Rivers, Rocks.
Racetrack Format: Saturday prologue inside the town for the TV and the spectators (more than 3.000!). We start in parallel by 2 riders the same time, every 3 minutes. According the results we provide the starting order. Sunday, they start one rider every 2 minutes for the first 10 riders, and then one every minute. Monday (official rest day in Greece) there will be a free ride day in the same loop for every rider, with a small fee 30-40€.
Categories: 1st of all Expert Class! We also have pair class, veterans class, easy class (without the special stages or with less special stages), class for trial bikes.
Average Daily Riding Time: 5-8 hours.
Racetrack markings: YES! Full marked!
GPS Mandatory: No GPS.
Entry Fee: Check on official site.
Championship-Race: No.
Race History: 3 previous events (2016, 2018, 2019)
Normal/Expected Attendance: 60 – 100 riders.
Nearest Civilisation: Veria.
Nearest International Airport: SKG Airport Macedonia / Thessaloniki
Rental Motorcycles: Yes.
Race License: Normally you can use the national license with starting permission from their country. Alternative we can issue a Greek license if there is a release letter from rider’s national federation, that allows the rider to be a “Greek athlete” just for this weekend. The cost is about 50-100€ BUT there is NO repatriation insurance! The rider must have repatriation insurance. Generally, the race is not dangerous but minor accidents can be for sure…
Motorcycle Conditions: No need! We consider the route as closed road, so we can accept MX bikes, and non-street legal bikes.
Typical Weather: Hot! Very hot!!! So, diving in the riv3r is very very nice!!!
Sightseeing: Yes, it is very friendly for spectators, families, friends. There is a very good flyer with information about visiting the special stages, and how to go there, timetable etc. all main point are near the town, not more than 10 minutes by bike or car.