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by Magnus Beck

I think The Bahusian is a extremely difficult race as there is usually only one class and just a few chickenlines that aren’t much easier. The race takes place in Sweden on a narrow track which offers swedish forests with alot of rocks and roots. There is no long uphills but vertical rocks both up and down. You will need a soft tire and mousse you are comfortable with to get through or you wont get far. The prologue was last year on saturday and the race on sunday. My experience from the prologue was great as I races in the final race beside Mario Roman, Eddie Karlsson and some other great riders, its always fun to compete side by side with some of the best. The prologue was 4 rounds of qualifying and one final round for the quickest riders. The race is 4 hours long with 1 hour to finish. The track is about 10 kilometers long and the goal is to do the most laps when the time runs out. Its a very tough race and in the end im always totally fatigue both physically and mentally. But it is always worth the fight! The race is a part of the Nordic Hard Enduro Championship and is very similar to the others.

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